Sunday, March 31, 2019

It wasn't all smooth sailing :(

Although I believe shooting went relatively well, there were many problems we faced on set.
First, as previously discussed, the cigarettes arrived much later than was expected. this delayed our shooting by a day, and the day that we did shoot, Ricardo and I were both in a time crunch, and had to hurry production. The ashtray we used was filled with real cigarettes, which stunk up the room. The lit fake cigarette also ignited the dead ones, and after every couple of minutes, I would have to leave the room to have  breath of fresh air.
Our actor was also available to shoot for only a limited time. Therefore, we weren't able to get shots of him and Ricardo's character together, which was disappointing. The only shot we got was of Ricardo's hand reaching towards the wound.
Many times, shots were ruined by the lighting equipment accidentally getting into the frame. These takes, however good they were, had to be scrapped. It was disappointing as well as annoying as we had to keep moving the light around to avoid shadows and to get usable shots.
The fake blood we used, since it was made of syrup, messed up the wound makeup and made it look terrible by the time we shot it on camera. It also made almost everything on set extremely sticky. It was great in terms of aesthetics and realism, but terrible for practicality.
Another problem was that Ricardo couldn't cry. We tried multiple times for him to cry, but the tears just wouldn't come. Ricardo used onions and held them up to his eyes, watch the intro to UP, and put eye drops on his eyes in order to make it seem like he was crying. In the end of the day, we had him angle his head lower so people wouldn't notice his lack of tears.
We worked through all of the problems we encountered and I am excited to see the final result.

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That's all folks!

All these weeks of prep finally led up to this one final product. Without further ado, here is the movie opening "When We Keep Silent...