Ricardo deals with much of the shooting, and script writing, but I excel in planning out and making everything aesthetically pleasing.
First, we thought of the hair. We looked at SEVERAL different options online, looking at men's magazines from the 70's, that 70's show, and looking at old band members from the 70's (like ABBA, Queen, and The Beatles).
Here were some options that we experimented with:
Eventually, we decided to go with the second one (the side part). However, all these styles were made extremely quickly without proper tools or anything, just really fast and with a comb.
But come the day of shooting, I am planning on using a round brush, dry shampoo, and pomade in order to make the hair look more voluminous and better than ever.
I also proposed the idea of a mustache prosthetic, which Ricardo quickly shut down because of money :(
Aside from hair, Ricardo and I spent all day at Goodwill, trying to find vintage clothes. One thing I knew from the 70's fashion (for men), is that usually they wore neutral colors, such as beige or brown. If not, colors were not bright or flashy, and patterns were not over-the-top. This was our inspiration:
and this is what we ended up getting:
We are also looking for aviator-like reading glasses, which we can get at a relatively cheap price
Overall, I am extremely excited, because now we will begin to buy all the props and decorations!