Saturday, March 16, 2019

Problems with our actors :(

We waited for a couple of weeks for responses to our post asking for actors and well they were.... disappointing.
Although we looked at many actors, we didn't see any that stood out or had the ability to act well enough for our liking. Here are some shots from our auditions:

None of them really fit the role and Ricardo and I were starting to worry.
Eventually, Ricardo and I decided that it would be best if Ricardo were the one to act in this. Although, he's not an actor, he's passionate enough to deliver the lines, and he has acted before. He's not too bad.
The problem is that now I have to be the person behind the camera, which I have little to no experience in doing. So now we have to take an extra day for me to practice, or risk production being slowed down.
Ricardo also doesn't know how to cry on command, which means I want to get a tear stick, but alas it would cost a lot more money :(

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That's all folks!

All these weeks of prep finally led up to this one final product. Without further ado, here is the movie opening "When We Keep Silent...