Sunday, March 3, 2019

Our initial script

Ok Sooooooooo WE MADE A SCRIPT! 
Its really long, therefore it has to be cut down. However, it is a start! 
Ricardo wrote most of this script because he has more experience in screenwriting. However, I looked it over and contributed a lot to this. Ricardo often gets carried away with writing, and writes WAAAAAYYYYY more than he should. However, its better to cut than to have to add. 
This script that we have would probably translate to approximately 5 minutes screen time. Ricardo and I are working on a new, improved, shorter script. 
Anyways, here is the original script:

Apart from it being lengthy, this script strays from the Trevor Ricardo and I want to portray. This character is strange and creepy, borderline psychotic. The whole purpose of making Trevor the way we planned was to make the audience almost sympathize with him. The audience couldn't do that to someone who pretends to murder a mannequin. 
After much discussing, we also believed that the introduction should take less of a focus with his next victim (in this case, his neighbor, which we also changed), and focus more on Trevor. We had to make it seem like these murders weren't planned, they were bumps in the relationship. Therefore, this script was unusable unless we changed our entire movie. 
Now that we know our direction now, though, expect an awesome script by the next post.
See you soon!

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That's all folks!

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